2022-02-09 02:05:09 UTC
Permalinkthe going gets toughhell just abandon thousands of American citizens. Like
the rest of liberal America, the narrative is more important. To Biden,
ending the war in Afghanistan was essential no matter what. It didnt matter
if Kabul fell. It didnt matter if American troops died in the evacuation
process. It didnt matter if we left thousands of our people behind.
I hope you make it to the airport. Thats the Biden Doctrine.
I dont know what Im doing is the Biden Corollary.
We also have learned, to no ones surprise, that the Biden administration
might have lied to us about the number of Americans they initially abandoned
in our ignominious and shambolic exit from Afghanistan. We keep hearing
figures ranging from 100-500. Overall, its in the hundreds when asked
about the Americans who are still there. A new Senate report from Sen. Jim
Risch (R-ID) of the Foreign Relations Committee has the figure at around
9,000 minimum (via Daily Caller):
As many as 9,000 American citizens were left in Afghanistan when the
U.S. military withdrew from the country Aug. 31, according to a report
released Thursday by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
In public statements, Biden administration officials, including
Secretary of State Antony Blinken, claimed that only 100-150 Americans
remained in Afghanistan and had contacted the U.S. government with a
desire to leave. The State Department and Defense Department officials
stuck to that number, even as the government publicly admitted that
large numbers of American citizens were still leaving the country.
The report, signed by Foreign Relations ranking member Jim Risch of
Idaho, reveals that State Department officials believed that between
10,000 and 15,000 Americans were in Afghanistan as late as Aug. 17.
In the next two weeks, only 6,000 Americans were able to escape the
country ahead of the Taliban takeover. In testimony in front of the
House Foreign Affairs Committee, however, Blinken claimed that
approximately 100-150 remained in Afghanistan who still wished to
Estimating the number of Americans residing or visiting a country like
Afghanistan is 50% art and 50% science and educated guesswork,
staffers of the former Kabul Embassy reportedly said, since Americans
are encouraged but not required to register with the State Department
when they enter a country. The staffers noted that host countries are
generally able to provide better estimates than the embassy, but that
Afghanistan was not capable of doing so.
They dont know. They dont know whats going on. Remember, this is the
administration that thought Kabul would never fall. It did. Secretary of
State Antony Blinken, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, and President
Joe Biden were all on vacation when Kabul fell to the Taliban. They felt it
was fine to remain on vacation days after, only returning after media
pressure forced them to do so. These are the adults, folks. And theyre not
handling this Ukraine situation any better.
Let's go Brandon!